FAQ - Functional Vibes


For approximately 45 minutes, one of our Coaches will carefully assess the functionality of a number of your body areas. This will not be painful or particularly tiring, you will just need focus and attention.
The remaining time will be dedicated to show you a first set of exercises to restore the weak spots and to discuss the outcomes of the screening.

You can wear whatever clothing you feel comfortable  moving in.
Feel free to leave your sneakers at home, the Movement Essentials Screening will be done barefoot to assess your feet (of course, you can wear socks if you prefer).
And no need for a heavy and bulky gym bag: we will provide you with filtered water, a clean towel, hairdryers and shower products.

As for your Movement Essential screening, you just need comfortable clothes and no shoes.

Not only is it safe to train with us in case of back pain, our method is actually a great choice for a conservative approach to recover from it and prevent relapse.
However, if you have been diagnosed with discopathy or other specific back issues, it will be essential to share with us all the details of your clinical picture before starting the training program.

All our Coaches have an academic background in the field of Sport Science and/or high level international certifications in the same field.
Furthermore, any time a new Coach is hired, they attend our "in house" professional training to learn and master all the details of our method: this allows all of us us to follow the same guidelines and  to propose coherent training principles to all our members.
Last but not least, at Functional Vibes we all are "lifelong learners" and we periodically attend professional trainings and congresses all around Europe (and sometimes beyond) to constantly improve our knowledge and skills.

The keyword here is "teamwork". Each one of our Coaches follows the same training principles and approach to human movement. Our weekly team meetings are a great opportunity to share our latest experience and discuss the most complex cases in order to find the best solutions for each of our members. All the clinical history and most important information about our members is stored in a safe "cloud" that each Coach can access: this allows each of us to be replaceable and no member will ever be forced to skip their session in case their Coach is temporarily unavailable.
When you train at Functional Vibes, you don't just have a personal coach: you actually can count on the expertise and knowledge of a whole team who has your back.

Our educational background and clinical experience may help you achieve a wide range of fitness goals. The "specialty of the house", however, is functional re-education: we are the best choice for you if you need to:

  • restore the functionality of your body, making it stronger and more resilient
  • recover from (or prevent) musculoskeletal pain - especially lower back, neck or shoulder pain
  • learn how to exercise on your own

Our training sessions are 60 minutes while the duration of osteopathy treatments is 45 to 70 minutes (depending on the specific needs of each patient).

It really depends on a number of variables: your level, your clinical history, your goals, the amount of sessions per week you decide to invest in...We will be more than happy to discuss with you all the details of the Personal Coaching program that best suits your needs (including duration).
Book  your free consultation here

The cost per session can range from 25€ to 99€, based on the type of session you choose (individual, screening, in small groups) or the amount of sessions you purchase (single or multiple sessions).
Book here for a free consultation to find out more about the best formula for you and its cost or Download our complete price list here .

Yes, we do!
If you opt for one of our multiple session bundles you can take advantage of:
A reduced price per session
Free access to our video library with all the exercises you need to keep training even at home
2 Movement Essential Screenings at a special price

Our changing rooms are equipped with mirrors, hairdryers, body lotion and moisturising cream, make-up remover and scrunchies.
Our private showers are equipped with shower gel and shampoo.
Each one of our lockers is equipped with a key and handy hangers, so that your clothes for the office will still be nice and ironed at the end of your session.

All the Belgian insurances/"mutuelles" offer a partial refund for our osteopathy treatments (please not that the amount of the refund varies according to the policy of each specific insurance/"mutuelle").
Our training programs are often not eligible for refunds according to Belgian private insurances/"mutuelles". They often offer an annual bonus, however, to promote and support the practice of sporting activities.

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy, both for training sessions and osteopathic treatments, which requires at least one full day’s notice ahead of any booked appointment to cancel or reschedule the session.  Any cancellations within the 24-hour cancellation time period will incur a late fee equal to the full session rate.

You don't need a prescription/referral from your doctor to receive osteopathy treatment.
However, some insurances or "mutuelles" need a prescription from your GP to partially refund the cost of the treatment.